
The JDate Chronicles: Initial Dispatch

I have succumb to a reliance on online dating. It is a reality that many men and women have realized. From the outside it may seem as though it is a burdensome decision. In many ways it is an admission that you, as male or female, may not have what it takes to be Mr. or Ms. Suave. From the inside it is entirely different. It is not a last resort, it is in fact a club where opportunities are plentiful, and fruit is not necessarily hanging low, but it is not out of reach.

My experiences have value, not just for me, but I suspect they can have utility for other individuals. This first post will be a rather extensive one which establishes my own rules, followed by experiences. All names, locations, and identifying features of those I have dates with will be thoroughly disguised as to not offend anyone, except of course, for myself.

The reason I have chosen JDate is because I am a Jew, and us Jews have a small population. In addition my father asked for one thing in life from me, that being that I eventually marry a Jewish girl. He never made me promise him anything else, ever. So this exclusive promise is just one of my motivating factors of going with JDate. Plus, I allegedly do not qualify for BlackPeopleMeet.com or ChristianMingle.com, which probably have entiely different cultures and idiosyncratices that do not apply to JDate.


The Rules.

The Profile

I can only speak from the orientation of a man seeking a woman. The male profile has many avenues and opportunities for disaster. In fact, every single choice that is offered to the male JDate user can go bad just as easily as it can go good. The philosophical implications command the male JDater to infer what his ideal type of girl is, and peacock directly to her.

Peacocking is an artform. Just as it is used in the real world, it too can be exercised on a digital front. The extent of peacockery needs to be restrained to pre-tool levels. One mustn't over do the peacocking. Expressing proper peacockery is done first and foremost in the profile description and profile pictures.

(Poor Peacockery)

The profile description ought not be brief. Just as one would want the most possible information before buying a car, or choosing a university, the most amount of relevant information is always a good thing. It helps avoid possible obstructions in the future through suprises.

‘About Me,’ is an opportunity to engage in proper peacockery. The key here is to be honest. It is not cheesy. Being honest does two things: it builds credibility, and it also eliminates possible inaccuracies you have to consider later. It cannot be brief. Nearly 23% of users are 18-35. So if the median age 26 years old, it is a lot of information to cover. Where you are from, how you were raised, what your major was in college, and your interests should all be included. Potential matches will study this in an effort to make his or her decision to talk, or date worth it.


Following this is a section called ‘My Life and Ambitions,’ which is where the peacocking can really stretch any proverbial muscles it may have. One can express a sense of humility, and modesty, or express their desire to be the best at what they do. Your dreams have credibility because they’re dreams, they’re not realized yet. So one can be honest about how grand their ambitions are, or how practical and achievable they are, no matter what they are the JDater is still conveying honesty.

Following those two sections (among many in a profile), is what could be considered the real bait. It is titled ‘My Perfect First Date,’ and in order to connect with users that you are targeting this may have the biggest impact. This section will be further discussed on the rules for a first date.

Finally we have the pictures. You need to post as many photos as possible. Up to ten are allowed and the more you have, the more likely a potential match can make an informed decision. Do not allow the conditions for prejudice in regards to your profile if you can prevent it. Also, the type of picture needs to vary throughout all the ones posted. You need full body shots, close ups, different hairstyles, and all need to look like you. No deceiving photographs. For men, pictures without shirts is a dangerous consideration. If you got the bod to rock it, then whatever, but you really need to have that rockin’ bod to actually rock the shirtless pic. Also, if you’re fat, or um, big boned, like me, you still need to disclose this through the pictures. Pics of just the face, ten times in a row, does not convey enough information to people.


In no way is there a scale that can objectively determine how attractive a girl is (or a guy I guess for that matter). One must consider that the intangibles that make someone attractive are particular to them. Sure there can be an agreed upon consensus of how “hot” a girl can be, but how that interaction would develop may yield unattractive qualities. It is not as simple as saying you like blondes, or brunettes. If you’re on JDate then additional benchmarks in evaluation exist.

(I know, it’s complex)

Step one in evaluating a potential match is not how attractive they are aesthetically, or intellectually, it is actually distance. Viable relationships need to be accessible. Initiating long distance relationships is a recipe for loneliness and impedes the possibility of having success with JDate.

After considering distance, the evaluation still has to consider more benchmarks. Now, as I said before there is no objective scale of how attractive a potential match is (there are no 5’s, there are no 9’s). A general categorization does happen, and acknowledging this will greatly increase the likelihood of meeting people and hopefully developing relationships. The categorization is as follows:

  • Division I
  • Division II
  • The rest of ‘em.

(She will not be on JDate)

(He will not be on JDate)

(She Might be on JDate)
(Okay, He could be on JDate)

One needs to lower their expectations. For instance, I am not the best lookin’ dude on the planet. I have placed myself in with the rest of ‘em. I, however, shoot for Division II. I do not even waste my time on Division I, because I am being practical. I want to meet people, not be reminded that my ideal chick is too good for me. This is not to say Division II is worse, merely different. There are really cool girls, smart, funny, and sexy in their own sort of way. They are the middle class. Division II is what is keeping the Bar Mitzvah entertainment companies in business, and partner, business is a boomin’.

The Messaging

Here’s the deal: most messages do not yield a response. This does not mean each message is a lost investment. One rule that JDaters ought to adhere to is writing original first messages for every single person they choose to message. Sure, most will not get a response, but that does not mean it is good practice for expressing sincerity and authenticity. It builds character, even it means rewriting some of the same sentiment over and over.

A first message needs to incorporate elements of the JDater in question. There has to be a reason you’re messaging someone. Incorporate that reason. Include elements of their profile. Make it brief, but certainly show that you’re not just copying and pasting. You may regret the copy and paste model  because it will be hard to keep track of so many templated responses.


By no means should one first message a potential match with something like “Hey, what’s up?” This does not fly, particularly if it is a guy messaging a girl. Unless the sender can compensate this HeyWhatsUpery crap with something like six pack abs, and an eternal scruff, do not do it (and let’s be honest, these are Jews online, ain’t nobody got them abs).

If first contact is made, congratulations, you have beaten the odds. Don’t mess it up. Follow a message by being overwhelmingly cordial. Your every word is being scrutinized. Be natural, be grammatical, and be optimistic, your potential match is just as nervous as you.

Due to JDate’s terribly outdated design the central goal of talking and messaging is more about obtaining the other party’s phone number. This is not for some nefarious goal, rather, it is to enhance the speed at which communication occurs. So important is this goal that fellas around the world have a familiar phrase for it: “Did’ya getter number, bro?” Perhaps one may remember that scene from Good Will Hunting, when Matt Damon’s character got her number and peacocked to the bros at the bar:
(“Do you like apples? Well, I got her number. How do you like them apples?”)

Now Good Will Hunting may have been Great Will Hunting if they had texting in his day. The art of the text is even more complicated in the JDate universe. The guy needs to be intriguing and charming in every single text. You’re auditioning, and you don’t want to mess it up. Auditions don’t come easy in this town.

Let’s say all goes well, the peacocking, the obsessive scrutiny, and the investment in original messages, one may experience a lapse in conversational material. Gentlemen, Ladies, and all those in between, this is the gateway to the first date.

In my experience, girls are just as eager to seize the moment and recognize the gateway. It is the final step in messaging. If you have invested in the message, you ought to see the possible return on that investment. What does one have to lose?

(This JDater needs to identify the Gateway)

The First Date:

Congratulations! You have made plans to have an actual JDate! As mentioned earlier, there is a section on ‘My Perfect First Date,’ in the profile section. This is where you establish your ground rules. I can only offer mine, but I feel they can have mass appeal.

Initially the date ought not be longer than 45 minutes. It is crucial to rely on this timer because one of two things can happen: either 45 minutes seemed too short because you clicked, or 45 minutes was an alright amount of time to tell that you guys probably don’t click. The former option is the option you want. It helps create anticipation and excitement for the second date. You’ve made it through casting calls and auditions, you’re still in consideration and there is promise. Now, if you schedule a date that is longer than 45 minutes and there is no connection, it can be a brutal, brutal JDate.

Expect awkward moments. JDate is a very unnatural way of meeting people, let us be honest. There are factors to this first date, such as it having the qualifier “First.” No one remembers their 65th date. There needs to be a mutual recognition of capable awkwardity. Let’s say you are the guy, and you notice the girl is nervous, you MUST overcompensate your personability. Drive the conversation. Anxiety is contagious, unless you address it first hand. Both men and women can be equally awkward, and as such developing countermeasures to it is vital.

(Embrace this weirdness)

(Create a tolerance to strangeness)

(Even the best of them can fall, just laugh it off)

My recommendation is to get coffee during lunch (if you’re both working professionals). This ensures the time will be brief (because both of you have to go back to work), and it also alleviates any potential pressure from the guy or girl.

If that’s not possible, go for a walk, or something that decreases expectations from both sides. When you meet, I have found the hug is generally best option for greeting your JDate. Shaking hands is a little cold and reduces the conveyance of a warm and open person.

Finally, by no means should there be any sex on the first date. This is JDate, not Tinder. If you’re on Tinder, it is, quite frankly, a completely different story. I am not sure what is going on in Division I of JDate, but Division II JDate relinquishes any rush to do it.

Final Thoughts

These rules are strictly subjective. Whatever works, works. In the coming weeks, I will be writing about my experiences on the multiple dates I’ve gone on, and report all of my mistakes. Please use this as the foundation of my thought process.


White Girl Speech Pathology Syndrome: Where's My Phone?!

One reason popular sayings pierce the fabric of social conversationality is because the meaning of these sayings is easily conveyed. The less intellect an individual has, the more likely he or she will properly understand the conveyed phrase or saying. Clearly a claim such as this would come with disagreement, however, those with intellect may not be privy to what the majority of what the unitelligent speak of. Consider a student at Harvard University in a philosophy class. Let us then consider he or she is tasked with a writing a paper on the philosophical background of Epicureanism as a modality of the application of Hedonism. This student will not speak of #yolo, however, the meaning behind #yolo, can certainly be interpreted in very much the same way.

(These are not 'White Girls,' they're Golden Girls)

The issue the following piece will attempt to understand is how meaning is conveyed in what this writer likes to call “White Girl Speech Pathology Syndrome,” or WGSPS We will first consider a persona which unabashedly generalizes what qualifies under WGSPS. From then we will consider the role of meaning and it’s conveyance, and finally consider the phenomenological touchstone of the susceptibility of WGSPS.

White Girl Speech Pathology Syndrome Qualification

The most critical thing to know about the qualifications of WGSPS is one does not need to be white, nor a girl to be susceptible to the symptoms or condition of the syndrome. The namesake is derived from the fact that white girls are most susceptible to this syndrome.

Prime age for full blown WGSPS is between 17 and 25. Sure, puberty might be over physically, but cognitive maturation may have a hell of a ways to go. Economically these tend to be individuals who come from middle class to upper middle class, and above. The geospatial environment for their upbringing was safe, secure, and enviable.

Ideal social climate is also something that is vital for WGSPS incubation. A keen interest and understanding of the framework and structure of entertainment and pop culture is necessary. When a song comes on the pop radio the subject should be able to recognize it and be aware of variables surround the song’s artist and meaning.

Don’t believe me? Consider the classic tune Get Low, by grammy nominated artist Lil Jon. The lyrics are catchy, and the beat is great, but there was a fundamental disconnect between the meaning it had from Lil Jon’s origin and the origin of those listening to it. One of the lyrics: “SKEET SKEET,” is something a white person considers as a target for shooting with a rifle or shotgun. It is often meant for practice with bird hunting. In Lil John’s world, it meant ejaculating with such a veracity and force that it goes from the window to the wall, and it would last so long that the perspiration from his testicles becomes noticeable.

White girls love this song because of the apparent double meaning, the beat, and conveyance of meaning is taboo in a nuanced way. Dave Chappelle said it best:

Other instances of WGSPS include contemporary favorites:

  • I mean
  • I can’t even
  • literally
  • kill yourself
  • #nofilter

And a few oldies, but not old enough to be ‘Throwback Thursday’ worthy:

  • Swag
  • #Yolo
  • Tebowing
  • Homie Don't’ Know Me
  • Don’t be Hatin’
  • Da Bomb Dot Com

Temporal Meaning

(What does that even mean?)

Meaning is not objective. Even if there was such a thing as objective meaning, the human would not be able to understand it. Meaning is derived solely from referential points in perception. The meaning of ‘Skeet,’ was different for Lil Jon than it was for his listeners.

Meaning is a two way road. There is the ascriber and the interpreter. Between the two there is a world of complicated and endless referential interpretation. The taker often misunderstands the original meaning by the intended ascriber of meaning, and can apply their own meaning. This is true in nearly every religion, political doctrine, and marriage of 10 years or more.

(Know What I’m Sayin’?)

When someone says for instance, the term “I mean,” without being prompted for explanation of meaning, it is really a cultural stressor meant to clear up a point. Tens of millions of White Girls in the English speaking world will start off a conversation with an unprompted “I mean,” and the only logical explanation is a desire to be understood a final sense. So the subject will have a thought while conversing, and respond to his or her own thought verbally as: “I mean.” A close buzz phrase related to this is “Let me be clear.” This is actually President Obama’s favorite buzz phrase:


Semantic Satiation

Words and phrases can just as easily lose meaning as gain them. One way for a word to lose its meaning real quick is to engage in semantic satiation. This is when one repeats a word or phrase over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. It begins to lose meaning:

(10 hours of the best Bill ever)

This writer would insist that semantic satiation is not something that has to have immediacy. Things can lose meaning if said over and over again in the long run. The temporal qualifier for a popular phrase loses meaning and use as its variable nuance fades. No one says ‘hogwash,’ anymore, they say ‘bullshit.’ People would understand what it means when someone says hogwash, but it’s temporal semantic satiation has rendered it of robust meaning. Calling out someone’s hogwash isn't as bad as calling someones bullshit out, even though they’re technically derived from the same meaning.

(This guys knows whats up between yo' petty hogwash)

The Lesson Here


We started from the bottom, now we are here. We came in like wrecking balls, even if we knew this was trouble. I mean, even if we were to love this like a love song, it would still be hard to like, ugh, I can’t even.

The use of these phrases, no matter how rampant, is evidence of an unconscious conformity. Now, I’m no high school goth, but I am totally for someones individual right to decide for themselves, but the WGSPS robs individuals of that right.